Meet the Board of Directors

Valerie Butrón 

Founder & President

It’s a sincere pleasure and surprising privilege to be at the helm of the Crete Community Runners Association. I'm an ultramarathoner, running coach, and proud resident of Crete, Illinois since 2021.  Just a few hours into unpacking, I found myself anxious to lace up my running shoes and get out the door of our new home to explore our beautiful community.  I was excited to join the local running group and quickly learned that there wasn’t one!  I was motivated to form the Crete Community Runners Association to provide a non intimidating space for runners (and walkers!) of all ages and abilities in our community to unite around the concept of becoming stronger with every stride.    

Membership in the Crete Community Runners Association offers exclusive opportunities to attend members-only workshops and events, as well as member appreciation raffles.   

The Crete Community Runners Association partners with other nonprofit organizations and charitable institutions in the Crete area, by supporting their fundraising efforts.  Please reach out to me or any of our board members with ideas about how we can work together to serve our community! #WeRunCrete

Chris Manola

Vice President of Community Engagement

My running journey began at the age of 61.  After walking 10,000 steps daily, I knew it was time to take my fitness routine up a notch.  I firmly believe many ailments can be averted with proper rest, nutrition, and exercise, so I made running part of my fitness plan.

I love running more than I ever would have imagined.  It gives me a sense of strength, freedom and confidence, and fills a need I didn't know I had.  The sense of well being after running is extraordinary.  

I encourage anyone considering running to join Crete Community Runners Association on our Saturday morning runs.  Our group is inclusive, and will meet you where you are in your fitness journey.  No one is too slow or too inexperienced to run with us.  We welcome you to join us!

Jessica Staley

Vice President of Marketing

I have always been active, from volleyball, bowling, soccer and softball, and in the last 10 years I became much more involved in running. I have completed countless 5k's, as well as many other race events. I had a goal to run a half marathon in 2022, but I was sidelined by an unexpected breast cancer diagnosis. After I made it through treatment, I started training again and completed my first half marathon in May of 2023. I kept running with the CCRA and completed my 2nd half marathon in September of 2023. Just knowing what I have been through and being able to stay active and work on my health has made me feel like I can beat anything.

I hope that you will try out our club and fall in love with running like we all have! We are runners of all ages, sizes and genders, and we always ensure no runner is left behind!

Laura Gavin Breier


For me, running has always been a challenging journey of preservation and improvement. As I get older, I find that it is important to keep moving. Running has offered me the gift of using and progressing my physical strength in ways that I never would have imagined. What began as an initial run around the block just to test the “running” waters has turned into running adventures that have taken me through the streets of Crete, Chicago, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and San Antonio (just to name a few). I’ve shared these adventures with family and friends…growing stronger with every stride along the way.

The preservation and development of my physical strength in only one component of my journey though. Running also plays an important part in my maintaining and improving my mental health as well. The time I spend running gives me an opportunity to sometimes reflect on my daily life, while other times it allows me the time to find peace in my day, and often, it gives me the time to be grateful for my physical and mental health, family, friends, and the opportunities that come my way. 

One of the opportunities was this running club. I’ve always been a solo runner. I put the headphones in and enjoy a little “me time.” When the idea of joining a running club was brought to my attention by fellow board member, Mary, I balked at the idea. The thought of trying to keep up with other runners (I’m not a fast runner) was almost too scary for me. ALMOST. Thankfully, I made the decision to step out of my comfort zone. I showed up on that first Saturday with Mary and Valerie and have been grateful for making this decision ever since. Who knew I would enjoy running with other people so much? It is the perfect combination of improving my physical strength/endurance while enjoying the mental/emotional boost that comes with sharing an adventure with friends. Again, I am growing stronger with every stride in so many ways because of my dedication to the CCRA.

Mary Ruminski


I run for cardio health and include running as part of my overall fitness routine. Running is a very rewarding way to keep active. I enjoy running through our beautiful community as I take in the sights and sounds of nature. The sense of accomplishment I feel after a run is a wonderful boost to my day.

I am honored to join the Board of this wonderful organization in its infancy and I cannot wait to see it grow as we partner with and serve the community.

I love being part of the Crete Community Runners Association. I look forward to my Saturday mornings with this warm and welcoming group of people. Please join us!